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Dr. Bright is the first Black woman to earn a doctorate in biomedical informatics within the United States and the first Black student to earn a doctorate in this field from Columbia University. As such, she uses her platform and work to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in informatics and the data science profession through local and national initiatives. In addition to speaking with students about the importance of diversity in science, Dr. Bright also works with organizations to create diverse and inclusive environments.




Ph.D., Biomedical Informatics, ​Columbia University​
B.S., Information Systems, ​University of Maryland, Baltimore County​

B.A., Sociology, ​The College of William and Mary​​​​




Postdoctoral Fellowship, Duke University​
Medical Informatics Trainees Summer Rotation​, National Library of Medicine

Summer Research Internship​, University of California, San Francisco
​​Intramural Research Summer Internship​, National Institutes of Medicine



​Honors and Awards

American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Leadership Award

American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) Elected Fellow

blackcomputeHER Fellow

Center for Interdisciplinary Research to Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance Predoctoral Fellow, Columbia University​

Biomedical Informatics Predoctoral Fellow​, National Library of Medicine​​

Meyerhoff Scholar​, University of Maryland, Baltimore County​



Select Leadership Activities







Dr. Tiffani J Bright is a nationally-recognized applied clinical informatics leader, with expertise in design, implementation, and evaluation of clinical decision support (CDS) systems, electronic guideline-delivery platforms, and optimization of electronic health records (EHRs). She transforms organizational cultures by combining her technological expertise and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) skillset to bring inclusivity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with emphasis on workforce diversity, data diversity, and algorithmic fairness.


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